The Rebekah Dani Show

You have the power to co-create the life you were designed to live

Join Rebekah and like-minded guest speakers as they dive into real and honest conversations around creating and living the life you desire. With your faith, relationships, business, health, wellness and so much more Rebekah motivates and empowers her listeners to fully step into all the possibilities that are available for them.

From personal stories to practical steps, each episode will leave you impacted and inspired to go out and co-create.

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Featured Episodes

Biz 101: The Basics

When we break it down to its core, business & entrepreneurship is simply exchanging value for value. The world of business is endless when it comes to what can be talked about but I find that where most people get stuck is simply beginning. Taking that first step and knowing what to do.

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I’m Rebekah, but you can call me Bekah.

I’m obsessed with helping people, corny romantic movies, aesthetically pleasing workspaces, and my 30+ plant babies.

I’m a left and right brained follower of Jesus. I run on curated high vibe playlists, coffee, and my dream of leaving this world with just a bit more love. I’ll hold your hand and give you a nice kick in the….bootay at the same time!

I started this podcast as a method of breaking past my own limiting beliefs and letting my experience with overcoming many setbacks, obstacles, and challenges inspire my fellow dreamers, creators, and entrepreneurs to grab ahold of the courage inside them and DO THE THINGS.

The world doesn’t need anymore autopilot followers. We need dreamers, leaders, activists, creatives, entrepreneurs; sons and daughters who are alive, full of passion and showing the world there is so much more.

Featured episode

Episode 2: Letting Go

Oh hey there! Come, sit with me, and let me share with you how a one way ticket to Europe changed my life.

Want to nominate a guest or have a question you’d love to have answered on the show?

If you are nominating a guest, even yourself, please share why they would be a good fit for this show. If you have a question you’d love to be answered on the show share it below.